German GEG to drive up biomethane demand

According to Germany Energy Agency (dena) latest ‘Biomethane 2024 industry barometer’, the 2023 revised Building Energy Act (GEG) creates new opportunities for biomethane in the heating market in Germany. The GEG stipulates that new heating systems must use at least 65% renewable energy from 2024 onwards, and this percentage will rise to 100% by 2045. Additionally, the Act encourages the use of biomethane in combination with heat pumps in local and district heating networks, further boosting its demand.

A previous dena analysis with Biogaspartner estimates the potential development of biomethane demand under GEG in decentralized heating systems to range from 13 to 45 TWh/year by 2040. In scenarios with a limited or delayed hydrogen infrastructure, biomethane demand would rise as it becomes the primary option to meet GEG’s renewable energy requirements. Conversely, where a hydrogen infrastructure is well-established, biomethane demand might stay lower.

While numerous hydrogen projects worldwide face cancellations or delays due to technical challenges, economic factors, and slow demand, biomethane stands out as a ready solution for decarbonizing our heating system.

Meet bGX at RENMAD in Bologna

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