For the second consecutive year, BioGem Express (bGX) collaborated with Fairphone to reduce its scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as part of its Net Zero commitment. Fairphone’s office in Amsterdam which relies on natural gas for heating, aims to be free of natural gas by 2040. To achieve this goal, Fairphone adopted a market-based approach and directly procured biomethane Guarantees of Origin (GoO) through bGX, allowing them to claim their green gas consumption – each unit of biomethane acquired displaces an equivalent unit of fossil natural gas. This Dutch produced biomethane is traceable waste-based feedstock and complies with the Renewable Energy Directive II (REDII). The green value of biomethane is documented in a certificate issued by the official national registry.
We are convinced that this kind of partnership aimed at achieving sustainable goals, through the adoption of renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, will foster change across the industry.
For more information visit Fairphone’s Impact report here or contact